杭州天地实验小学 周倩颖
科学的评价体系是实现课程目标的重要保障, 随着素质教育的不断深入,传统的教学评价已不能完全适应新课程改革的步伐。 新课程强调教学评价功能的发展性,而不是利用评价对学生进行甄别与选拔;强调学生在教学评价中的主体地位,而不是传统评价中学生仅仅是被评价者的角色,是客体。教学评价是教学活动的有机组成部分,因此在进行教学评价时应尽可能地体现评价主体的地位,让学生成为教学评价的主动参与者。为此笔者就小学英语教学中学生如何参与评价做了探索和实践,认为根据小学生的年龄和心理特点,学生可以通过说一说、写一写和争一争的形式对教师的教学形象、教学过程以及教学效果作出评价。让学生对老师的教学进行评价,不仅有助于学生在学习上进行自我反思和评价,也有助于教师根据评价的反馈信息及时调整教学计划和教学方法。
索引关键词: 评价 英语教学 学生参与
The Practice of the Student Participation in Teaching Evaluation in Primary English Teaching
Hangzhou Tiandi Experimental School Zhou Qianying
The scientific evaluation system can be the important guarantee of realizing the goal of curriculum. With the quality-oriented education increasingly ongoing, the traditional evaluation can't have totally met the nero-curriculum reform. In the reform of nero-curriculum reform, we play the emphasis of teaching evaluation rather on developmental
than discriminate and selective. The students’ subject status in the teaching evaluations is also emphasized in the nero-curriculum. Teaching evaluation is an organic part of the teaching activities and behaviors, therefore, students’
subject status should be showed better, and student should become an active participant in English teaching evaluation in primary ;school. According to the student's age and psychological characteristic, the student
can make an evaluation to the teacher's teaching look, process and result through the form of saying, writing and debating. Let the student participate in teaching evaluation, it is not merely ;help the student to give a self-reflective and evaluation in study process, but also help teachers to adjust the teaching decision and teaching method in time according to the feedback information that come from students’ evaluatinon.
上一篇文章: 小学英语课堂互动教学的有效性初探
- 小学英语教学反思 [2006-8-1]
- 关于小学英语教学设计 [2006-8-4]
- 浅谈小学英语口语教学 [2007-12-9]
- 小学英语教学反思 [2008-2-12]
- 浅谈小学英语口语教学 [2008-3-3]
- 小学英语教学反思 [2007-12-10]
- 谈小学英语教学中的合作学习 [2008-4-14]
- 浅谈小学英语教学中的美育 [2008-4-14]
- 小学英语教学反思 [2007-9-29]
- 小学英语教学中学生创新思维的培养 [2007-9-19]